
Happy New Year 2010!!! Julie Marie Portraits, Delaware Photographer

Happy New Year! I can't believe it's 2010! I was just telling my hubby that we had a great 2009 (moved to Delaware, got married, found out we were having a baby), and 2010 will even be better since we're adding to our family!

There will be lots of new things for JMP, so keep checking in on the blog!

In the meantime, I wanted to share a few pictures of my niece and nephew from over the Christmas break! My hubby and I flew back to Ohio for Christmas and had a great time with my family and friends! My sister (my mom helped, too---thx!) also had a baby shower for me, and I got to see so many of my close friends and family and also got tons of fabulous gifts for Baby Trust...(who by the way remains nameless since we can't agree on anything!)

So, enough of me typing/talking..... Happy New Year everybody! Hope 2010 is a great year for you!
(I'm back to work so i will be catching up on everything!)

This last one is a picture from Christmas Day. My very talented dad made my nephew this barn/toy box. It was the coolest thing ever! J man loved it and miss J loved it, too! They would work (play with all of the tractors and construction vehicles) then head into the barn and peak out of the windows then go to sleep....too darn cute!!!


Nana said...

I love the "window peekers"!

JenV said...

omg, i love the barn picture!!! They're all cute!! We miss you!

Julie Marie Portraits said...

Thanks Nana & Jen!! I miss everybody so much but can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!!

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